Clermont Families
In the process
of writing about Clermont it is important to list some of the families who lived
in Clermont or on one of the farms in the Clermont area at one time. In
some cases only the names of families and their names will be listed since
photos are not always available. In other families photos of some family members
will be shown.
The John
Hartberg family lived on Bunker Hill and consisted of John, Jennie, Esther,
Viola, Hazel, Mildred,
, Harold(died as a child), Merle, Melvin and Marjorie.
The George
Silfies family lived on a farm East of Clermont just past the A. R. Anderson
farm. The family members were George, Abacinia,
, Clint, Joe, Harry, Maude, Hazel, and
The Finn
family lived in several places in the Clermont Area. They lived on the old
Martin farm at one time and eventually moved into town in the bottom of the Odd
Fellows hall. Benton and his wife Elsa had nine children: Eddie, Howard, Gordon,
Kenneth, Ruth, Marie, Peggy, Dolly, and Mary Ann.
Otto Jacobson
and his wife lived on the Jacobson farm not far from the Hagman farm. They had
three children: John, Bill, and Artie. Artie and his mother moved into town in
the house west of the present day school house. After his mother's death Artie
continued to live there until his death.
When they first
came to town, Elisha Mose Kinney and his wife Sarah Jane lived on the old
Dumjohn farm. They later moved into the old Frank Caterina farm and raised the
following children: Stella,
, Annabelle, Harry,
, Howard, Donald and Gerald. They also raised a granddaughter Shirley.
Gerald Kinney
passed away in 2006. Donald is the only Kinney remaining in 2006. Even Shirley
has passed away.
John Anderson
and his wife Lily (Hagman) had five children: Bernice, Wallace, Eloise,
Margaret, and Audene. Wallace was killed in action while serving with the
United States
Army in 1945. John died shortly after his son's death. The rest of the children
left Clermont but Lily lived alone for a few years after that in their old home.
Albert Fuller,
Sr. and his wife, Mame, lived in a house down the Pennsy grade nearly across
from the
. They had 18 children. I can only find names of 15 of them and they are as
follows: Vernel, Mary, Martha, Betty, Grace, Cora, Alva, Molly, Phyllis, Jim,
Albert, Jr., Howard, Harry, Charlie, and Paul. Harry and Charlie drown on July
4, 1931 in the Pennsy pond while swimming in that pond.
A.J. Anderson
and his wife lived in a white house across from George Blauser. They had a small
farm with an ice pond, which produce ice for selling and also for the cooler in
store. Their children were Bert, Carl, Helen, and Alva. Helen married Merle
Bush. Her husband was a local barber for many years. Alva worked in her father's
store and married Clint Silfies.
George Blauser
worked in the office of United Natural Gas Company. He also was the local
Justice of the Peace. The Blauser children were Seth, Isabel, Imogene, Tom, J.
R., and Marjorie. At one time George had a small gas station in front of his
house where he sold gas, oil, and tires. Their house was located across the road
from the A. J. Anderson family. In fact Marjorie and her husband still lived in
the same house until Marjorie's death in2003. Her husband continues living in
the house in 2004.
He recently in
2005 remarried. His new wife is the widow of Wendell Anderson.
The J. F.
Keating family lived in the house now occupied by Dick Rifle. This house for a
long time received its water from the same source as the
. J. F. Keating and his wife had these children: John, Percieval, Vince, Hugh,
Margaret, Mary, and Gertrude.