The Axberg Family
J. Axberg and his wife Ida lived on
Bunker Hill
near Clermont. Mr Axberg was a farmer and his farm was located across the dirt
road from the John Hartberg farm. The Axbergs had three children named Carl,
Herbert, and Agnes. Agnes was the oldest and married Alof Peterson. They lived
. Carl also married and lived in Clermont for some time working at the factory.
He and his family eventually moved to the
New York
area. When Andrew passed away, Ida and Herbert moved to Colegove. Herbert moved
back to the farm after his mother's death. He was shy and loved to play his
squeezebox. Here are 2 pictures of him. The first one shows him playing his
squeezebox with two friends and the second is of him standing outside his house.

lived on the old family farm until his death. He is buried at the Clermont