Perry Family
Perry and his wife Carrie had a small farm west of the Black Row in Clermont.
Their children were: Robert, Floyd, Erwin, Homer and Ethel. The teacher who
taught the longest in the Clermont schools was Ethel Perry. She began teaching
in 1911 and taught for 50 years. This is a picture of Miss Perry taken in 1912.
(Bob) became the station agent for the Shawmut Railroad. He and his wife Blanche
lived in a house provided by the railroad. Blanche also taught school in the
Clermont area. Bob eventually moved to Angelica
New York
with his family. Robert Perry, Jr. and his sister Mary Louise still live in
that area. Ethel
eventually inherited the farm and lived there until her death. The house and
land are still owned by one of the Perry descendents. Ethel
eventually inherited the farm and lived there until her death. The house and
land are still owned by one of the Perry descendents.

house as it looks in 2001