The Snyder Family
Snyder and his wife Margaret came to Clermont in 1931 from Reynoldsville
Here is
a picture of Glenn and Margaret Snyder.

lived in a company house in the Black Row for many years and eventually bought
the Frank Rizzo house after his death in 1945. They had seven children: Harry,
Blair, Addison, Walter (Burnette), Nellie, Maxine and Wells. Glenn worked for
Clermont Clay Products Company
when he first came to Clermont. After the depression of the 1930's he went to
work for the Pittsburg Shawmut and
Northern Railroad.
After the railroad shut
down he began working as the Oiler
at Kaul Clay Products Company
in 1947. The four older Snyder boys
all served in the
United States
Army during World War II. Wells, the youngest boy, served in the
United States
Army during the Vietnam War. Here is a picture of the five boys.

Harry, Addison, and Wells died several years
ago and Walter B passed away on May 19,2004. Blair still lives near Wilcox, PA.
Maxine the youngest daughter lives in South Carolina.